Monday, October 31, 2005

Its Bruce week

This Friday Bruce Springsteen comes to Tampa Bay for a solo tour appearance. The Times will be sharing people's recollections of their first Springsteen concert, so I wrote mine to post here... its way long, so I may post a bit each day. But first I have to share a little picture from my most harrowing Springsteen concert experience, which was appropriately enough, on December 7, 1984 (A Day that will Live in Infamy!) I LOST not only my ticket, but the tickets I was holding for my friends and family members who were also going... After my mom made some calls (I know, it is sad and pathetic -- but she got us the stolen ticket vouchers) they gave us seats and I was on the floor for the first and only time. I crawled over 10 rows with people giving me hands up to get this picture. I found the "Stolen" tickets on top of my refridgerator when moving two years later.