Friday, September 23, 2005

It's a good thing

Wow. It's been a few weeks since I posted. But I have good excuses. Plural. As I splained earlier, my friend Anne and I went to the Springsteen Symposium in Jersey and it was just so much more than what I had hoped for. I have been writing off-line about it and will be posting soon. In spite of (or because of) its awesomeness, the conference wiped me out physically and emotionally, but I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Since coming home, a couple of other doozies have lit.... My favorite: I was told by the Czarina of my book club that I just don't quite fit in and perhaps I should tone down my personality a little and maybe not share so much..... Nice.

I think this book club thing deserves its own post, but for now, I just have to say that after a year of dense dose chemo, hair falling out, chemo-induced freight train menopause, a bilateral mastectomy with giant tumor removal, more cancer found, more chemo, then eight weeks of daily radiation plus chemo combo, an oh-so- attractive drug induced weight gain (which goes so well with the new no breasts, no hair look) and my beloved 15 year old weimerainer Meg dying . . . I need to TONE DOWN MY PERSONALITY?
I am surprised I have any personality at all that is not RAGING BITCH. I mean, I am surprised I am not standing in the middle of the Super Walmart screaming at the clueless masses that I hope they are proud of that $12 they saved on the backs of the worst treated, most uninsured workers in corporate America!

Ahem. I digress. Sorry bout that.
Let's move to something a little more high brow.

How about reality TV?
You know, the sad truth about being isolated at home so much this past year is that I have watched more TV than I have in my entire lifetime. Although, I also read tons, there were some days when I couldn’t read because of drug side effects like nausea and dry, unfocusing eyes. So the TV was my companion. Some shows I watch like an anthropologist -- I marvel at the people who will go on TV and spread all their personal bidness to the world. I am ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED when they drag their children onto these shows. I think Dr Phil is deeply in love with himself. . . and possibly delusional. But mostly, I am sad at the lack of altruism I see for the most part (Oprah and Extreme Makeover Home Addition being the exceptions, albeit, way over commercilized). But yes, I have watched some of these shows from time to time and it has given me a better view of our world today. Watching easily manipulated, poorly educated (Or mis-educated) folks on TV, I realize who voted for George Bush.

Wait, I was going to talk highbrow, yes? Sunday New York Times kind of content, yes? Well, day is night, black is white, and look who is commenting in today's NYTs?

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