Saturday, July 01, 2006

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Newscast Gets 10 Million Hits

Wow. I was surprised to see that this story on the cancer I have has aroused such interest. Perhaps there will now be more interest in a cure for all of us. Check out the original video by clicking on the title of this post.

SEATTLE - On May 7, Seattle's KOMO 4 News' Michelle Esteban reported on a little-known type of breast cancer that is difficult to detect: inflammatory breast cancer.

Little did we know the impact the story would make.

In the weeks after the story aired, some people wrote an e-mail to their friends warning them about the cancer, and then urging them to watch the video of our 6 minute segment.

Those friends forwarded it on, and then those did the same. The e-mail spread like wildfire across the globe. It's even been posted as truth on popular Urban Legend sites such as,, and

We've also seen hundreds of e-mails from people asking for more information, and we're told that IBC support groups have been getting a lot of people calling with questions.

As of Thursday morning, amazingly, the video has been accessed a total of 10 million times, and has helped shed light on the important subject to several news agencies across the nation and world.

We continue to hope the video helps provide important life-saving information and helps bring more awareness to a subject that not many people knew about.

To read Michelle's story and to view the video, go to our IBC site at We encourage you to e-mail the link to whoever you'd like, but please use the link in your e-mail.

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