Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Turn off the stove-- I'm done!

Today I had my last radiation treatment and for the first time in almost a year, I don't have some fresh hell to dread. Tomorrow I will wake up and for the first time since September 2004, I won't have to take a handful of pills and wait in grim anticipation for the after effects.

I can't go back to work until the burns on my chest heal up a bit, (unless the St. Pete Times has instated a new "topless" dress code), but the last few months I have found that you really can accomplish a lot with a laptop, cell phone, wireless connection, and coworkers who make house calls. . . .


Anonymous said...

This picture is priceless- I can't believe that the nurses were concerned about it. Glad it is over and get well soon!

2003 IBC Survivor said...

Wish I had thought to have a similar picture done! Your IBC sisters are delighted that you are finally done with treatments. Go, Jill, go!!